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Sex God
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Anytime darling girl, anytime!!!!
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If you have a no kissing rule, is it like "soft swap" but in reverse:idea:confused:
Sex God
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I'm allowed to kiss women! apparently tis compulsary now I'm married. Tried to get jason to snog a blokey but he ain't having it! Seriously....... I think girl on girl kissing is more erotic for the blokey watching than for the women doing it! Well..... I go on experience, Jason just stands there with a fooking great grin on his chops!
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I think what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander and you should demand to see him snog a bloke:lol2:
Sex God
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i'm with madchick on this one lol
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We tryed the no kissing thing, but it just seemed really sterile without a little intimacy ... I always respect and understand other peoples boundaries, as we have many of our own, and indeed the double standards are with us too... However that being said, if you dont kiss coz its intimate, then how come its ok to kiss women?? Is it less intimate to kiss a woman? If it is why bother doing it.... and if it is still intimate, then surely it should be covered by the no kissing rule?? I know most of you are allowed to do whatever you like with women, and not with men, and honestly I think its ridiculous, sex is sex, kissing is kissing, no matter what gender you with, the scene is complicated and confusing enough in my opinion without making it worse! Jo & Daz xxx
Sex God
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Maybe by trying to analyze things too deeply, we lose sight of the fact that sometimes, logic goes right out of the window. What someone else may find pointless another person may find completely logical.... in the words of a song..."you say you just don't see it, he say's it's perfect sense".
Sex God
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To be honest, we respect other people's boundaries and vice versa, other than that we like to go with the flow without having any agendas and have fun fun fun whether that be with or without kissing. However, we do have a preference for slippery mud, toffees and car bonnetts hehe :grin:
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote user=blondecouple] I know most of you are allowed to do whatever you like with women, and not with men, and honestly I think its ridiculous, sex is sex, kissing is kissing, no matter what gender you with, the scene is complicated and confusing enough in my opinion without making it worse! Jo & Daz xxx[/quote :mrgreen::mrgreen:He he I'm allowed to whatever I like with men OR women and so is Mr SM-PD, so long as we can both be there to enjoy/watch the other having fun:mrgreen:
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well said sm gis a snog :haha: :grin::grin:
Sex God
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Cor blimey Blondecouple. I don't analyse situations at all. I just dive right in and get on with it.... much more fun :giggle: :giggle: Kissing my husband is the height of intimacy for [b]ME[/b] He is not female, does not have tits or pussy and quite frankly snogging him is intimate more than erotic. Kissing a woman is erotic.......simple. Kissing another bloke or watching him kiss another woman would smash that intimacy for me and him and would mean that intimacy had crossed over into our swinging lives. Something that we do not want. Thats our situation and if anyone who meets us cannot respect that, then they do not deserve respect back. I have no problems with anyone who kisses in their swinging lives but they just won't be kissing us!