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would you date someone with false teeth?

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i am very careful with my hygiene more so keeping my teeth and mouth clean. i once met a bloke who had a partial denture to replace missing front teeth it looked like he didnt clean them often i was revolted. i know accidents or things can happen i have a crowned tooth due to chipping a tooth when i fell and broke my wrist but would anyone mind if the person they met up with had dentures or bad dental hygiene? no one is perfect but not brushing teeth is a no no for me. :sad:
Warming the Bed
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Hum... that's a tricky one. How would you know before meeting whether they'd got false teeth? Unless they told you in advance, which is unlikely. wink
Warming the Bed
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
A false tooth or two to an accident is one thing,but to loose them because your to idle to brush them? All i'll say is dont trust anyone who wont brush there teeth lol.
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[quote="dave_1965"]Hum... that's a tricky one. How would you know before meeting whether they'd got false teeth? Unless they told you in advance, which is unlikely. wink[/quote]its very unlikely anyone would confess to having dentures before meeting up, i dont have a problem with any false or restored teeth but i cant abide people who dont clean their teeth it doesnt cost much to buy a toothbrush and paste. i brush 3 times a day and use floss every day and if meeting up or going out mouthwash too so at least anyone i met could be assured that i am very hygienic.
Forum Virgin
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One guy in LIASONS who had a great huge cock that S was sucking. She came up for a kiss. His breath was bad enough to kill plants ! It was awful. He certainly lost out.
Warming the Bed
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[quote="Loiseau"]One guy in LIASONS who had a great huge cock that S was sucking. She came up for a kiss. His breath was bad enough to kill plants ! It was awful. He certainly lost out.[/quote] That sounds terrible. You'd think someone going to a club would make sure they'd brushed their teeth and ensured their breath was fresh! Though I guess you get all sorts, and maybe he thought his cock size would take attention away from his breath. LOL Must admit, I couldn't kiss a woman who smoked. Be like kissing an ash tray. Not pleasant.
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Some one who had false teeth wouldn't put me off, now rotten teeth thats a different matter. I'll admit I do not brush before a meet, before you all run off an hide I'll give my reasons. Most swingers know STI's can be passed orally, brushing your teeth before a meet can in some cases cause gums to bleed thus increasing the risk of catching something. I do however use a good mouthwash. Did you know you can actually brush your teeth too much, toothpaste is mildly abrasive and excessive brushing can wear away teeth and cause as much harm as not brushing especially for people who have soft enamel on their teeth.
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[quote="dave_1965"][quote="Loiseau"]One guy in LIASONS who had a great huge cock that S was sucking. She came up for a kiss. His breath was bad enough to kill plants ! It was awful. He certainly lost out.[/quote] no wonder he losst, a hugh cock cant make up for pongy breath That sounds terrible. You'd think someone going to a club would make sure they'd brushed their teeth and ensured their breath was fresh! Though I guess you get all sorts, and maybe he thought his cock size would take attention away from his breath. LOL Must admit, I couldn't kiss a woman who smoked. Be like kissing an ash tray. Not pleasant.[/quote]
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote="dave_1965"][quote="Loiseau"]One guy in LIASONS who had a great huge cock that S was sucking. She came up for a kiss. His breath was bad enough to kill plants ! It was awful. He certainly lost out.[/quote] That sounds terrible. You'd think someone going to a club would make sure they'd brushed their teeth and ensured their breath was fresh! Though I guess you get all sorts, and maybe he thought his cock size would take attention away from his breath. LOL Must admit, I couldn't kiss a woman who smoked. Be like kissing an ash tray. Not pleasant.[/quote]smoking i dont do it but as long as people dont in my house or car and use a mouth rinse before kissing me fair enough.
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote="michele1978"][quote="dave_1965"][quote="Loiseau"]One guy in LIASONS who had a great huge cock that S was sucking. She came up for a kiss. His breath was bad enough to kill plants ! It was awful. He certainly lost out.[/quote no wonder eww :sad: That sounds terrible. You'd think someone going to a club would make sure they'd brushed their teeth and ensured their breath was fresh! Though I guess you get all sorts, and maybe he thought his cock size would take attention away from his breath. LOL Must admit, I couldn't kiss a woman who smoked. Be like kissing an ash tray. Not pleasant.[/quote][/quote]