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Why,oh Why,oh Why!!!

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Sex God
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Ok it's time for me to have a moan, sorry but i feel quiet strong about this and would like some constructive feed back pls. Over the last month Si and My self have Tried our best to arrange a meet, we have tried giving a weeks notice, a few days, but most of all short notice " this is due to si's work".. we have offered to travel at least 2 hours one way to meet, also to accomodate at our house. and also to meet for drinks 1st.. i think we must have offered every possibility. We Totaly understand Some of you have young families and so short notice is a NO NO, we also understand that the timing has to be right with the female side " girls u know what i mean". Now i wouldn't say si and I are perfect by no means but neither are we Displeasing to the eye :grin: We never see posting in the forums for people looking for meets, yet when we joined there seemed to be lots, What we do see is lots of cpls half naked on cams at home alone, why is this why are people not out there meeting? Are people more in to just chatting and flirting and watching cams rather than Actual swinging for real in the flesh, is it the fantasy that turns most on Rather than acting out the fantasies... Just what is swinging to you all? Ok thats My moan over :haha: Mwah Mo xx
Warming the Bed
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MO not sure if we are best equipped to answer your moan as we are still virgins and not met any couples yet . but as for what you are saying about there being plenty of couples looking for meets and a lot of arrangeing going on in chat when we first joined thats how it was that was about 18 months ago and i would guess 75% of them people who was around the chat and site then are no longer memebers so must have found a better site and found the same problems you are metion in to make them switch sites . as for swinging just being the fantasy we found the thought of doing it a massive turn on and are 100%looking forward to trying it but we just struggling with time at the moment but soon as we do get a free weekend we will lose our cherry .so mo you keep on moaning keep the forums going we like reading peoples posts. carl&
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well mo,not every one is as lucky as us in having a great first meet as we had with you,we have spoken to a few peeps that have had a bad first experience and this has understandably put them off,also from previous situations in chat room from socials made us seriously consider leaving the site,glad to say we didn't,and finally from our personal experience work pressures and money,family ect do make it hard to get the free time to meet peeps,still find the best way is to chat and meet for a drink,but please don't go hun as we still love ya xxxxxxxxx Kat and neil mwahhhhhhhh
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
mo hun if we wern't so far away n needin to organise sitters we would jump at the chance no pun intended lol all we can say is peeps you dunno wot your missin these two are yummy :bounce:
Sex God
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[color="darkred"]Think you could be right Mo, you don't see it so often anymore! On the other hand the socials are on a massive increase. Think people may be saving up free time, babysitters etc for those. We haven't had a meet for a year now, we would love to be meeting but our circumstances are ridiculously constricted at the moment, plus we can't get to any of the socials which is a double blow! To be honest though the private meeting has always been the best part of this scene for us, it would be a shame for us if it doesn't pick up again! We've also found people don't seem to stick around for as long, and the sheer volume of people in the chatroom has made it harder to get to know people, especially when we have been out of it recently. Still we have high hopes for 2008! :-)[/color]
Sex God
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We've been members since March 2006 and still haven't met a couple. We've put postings on the forum for when we have child-free nights and no takers. We're quite happy to travel within reason but still nothing. We do want to meet a couple for a drink, meal and see what happens but most of our child-free nights are during the week. Weekends for us are a problem due to Carl's work. We've got two child-free nights this week - weds and thurs and two in a couple of weeks time. We used to perform a lot in front of the cam but even that's lots it's appeal with the endless whispers from single males. Sorry but you can't really type when you're shagging and they get moody if you don't reply immediately. Carl and Jeanne xx
Sex God
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[i]Mo, As Fluffs said if we lived closer we would be there in a flash as well, but you know that. We have found that not only do we live miles and miles from most folk on the site and its understandably difficult for people to travel that far, but there are more people who just want to chat and not actually do anything. I realise its very scary when meeting people , both of us get really nervous still, but that adds to the excitement sort of. We would love to meet folk who want fun aND to be friends. Hopefully we will. And I promise if u guys manage to get to newcastle or if we get down south we will meet up and we will get that snog lol ( more maybe ). Anyway we both think u guys are the best and would LOVE to see lots and lots of you. Sue and Andy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Hi Mo hunni - thanks for bringing this up, its something i noticed a cpl of yrs ago now and i have sinced moved to another site where people actually meet regularly. The site i now use has a swing date board and people actually use it too !! I have had more meets there in 18 mths that i have had here in 3 yrs to give you some idea........ despite starting my degree over a yr ago, and maintaining a full time job !! Also i have never set foot in the site chat room and just simply corresponded thro mail via the site and had many great meets and met many fantastic people. I know there is never any pressure to meet but i noticed exactly the same things as you have pointed out quite a while ago now ...... so i got pro-active about it and moved sites !! lol xx I maintain my m'ship here as i still find SP a very social site and i used to spend many an hour in the chat room until i started a full time degree on top of my full time work still and i now no longer have as much time......but i still MAKE time to meet people myself. I still enjoy popping in to say hi to some of the fab peeps in here. I can rarely make socials myself as i now work permanent weekends but i still like like to actually meet people !! The weekends are still the same in here ie more people in the room chatting than actually meeting. I didn't want to say that at the risk of people jumping up and berating me explaining their various reason's for not being able to meet etc - its stating the bladdy obvious as we ALL have time constraints ....... but we are talking more inclination here methinks ?? In short Mo, my advice would be think about joining another site to actually meet and stay on at SP to chat as i do ........ and and BTW as i always say Mo - go hard ...... or go home !! lol x Have fun xxxxxx
Sex God
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Thanks to everyone who has left a commment. so it seems i'm not Despro " wouldnt like to think of our selves as that" :grin: in posting regular threads about meets, just that im one of a very few who do these days. like mindy said there did used to be meet requests on here quiet regular, and now the socail events have taken off maybe this is partly to blame." shame there cant be both" As some have said maybe best to look at a new site which we might well do, But DONT worry we wont be leaving , I love this site to much, everyone is so friendly and i do have some great fun in the chat room, maybe thats the prob that the chat room has become such good fun, people just like to stay at home in there comfort Zone and perv and fantasie rather than taking the step. Well as most of you know im not a quitter and will keep posting my threads in the hope that we might just get a new meet :haha: Thanks again sexy peeps mwah MO XX
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
That's the attitute Mo hunni ........ altho i never did expect you to give up for a second anyway !! lol xxx As you said SP is still a good friendly site and i know myself there are some peeps on here that i have chatted to for ages now and not actually met ..... and truth be known, if we did meet i'd probably prefer it not to progress to being physically expressed ( for the less subtle peeps out there ie shagging !! lol xx ) It would feel more like shagging my friends rather than meeting someone, having sex and becoming friends - hope that makes sense !! hehehe. I still love to come into SP to chat and have banter with like minded chraacters but i still look forward to actually meeting people as swinging is more of a lifestyle choice than a fanciful hobby to me. I am very philosophical and organic with my approach to swinging ...... its not something we are all going to be doing forever and i kind of like to think i am ' fated ' to meet the people i meet and i have never had a bad meet as a result, quite the opposite in fact - most of my meets have been fantastic and i now know lots more fab peeps as a result and let me tell you peeps, if you don't actually meet ....... you're missing out on the best bit !! lol xxx Combine this with the attitute of that on my death bed i know the things i am going to regret are the things i didn't do ....... and not the things i did ! So ........ what are you waiting for peeps ...... and engraved invitation to go and have some fun ??!! lol xxxx Seriously too tho. i appreciate its everyone's individual choice ....... and Mo hunni ...... if you need to know a cpl of good sites feel free to ask ok and i'll gladly point you in the right direction. Have fun peeps xxxxx Mwah xxxx
Warming the Bed
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We are up for a meet with you anytime MO, but we do know what you mean.
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote user=to_delight]We are up for a meet with you anytime MO, but we do know what you mean.[/quote] Us too to_delight? we could all get together as we're all fairly local. Could be fun biggrin Carl
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Mo hun soz it's taken a while to respond this this but was hoping to have caught up with you via other means by now xxx. What Mindy has said is spot on and we are one of the culprits. Now there are so many fab socials, we tend to use our sitters specifically for them and we don't get much opportunity for anything else so before the great MK1 like minded people had more opportunity to get sitters at short notice. We've been fortunate enough to have met you and Si quite a few times now and class you both as fab friends. Anyone who wouldn't want to meet you two must be truly mad, not only are you both as sexy as **** but such lovely people too. I must also stress that the chatroom is unbearably busy after 9pm at night. About a year ago approx. the max you would get in the chatroom would be 80 or thereabouts. Last night there was 135, banghead a nightmare for the regs let alone newbies trying to get themselves known. We really feel that Admin should use a capping system as they do on SP's sister site and limit the amount of peeps to 80 in the chatroom at any one time. You always get in eventually as someone leaves it just takes a few minutes longer and it might make it easier for people to actually get to know one another better. Just an idea, not sure what others think. Speak soon and love n hugs as always. mwahxxxxxxxx V and J
Sex God
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MO you know me and all the encouragement I have said in the past,and if I was female I`d be round like a shot to keep you and SI happy,but unfortunately its not the case in this close but not what your looking for,Damn. MO you`ll have to persist I know theres someone out there for you