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SP Groups - - - Useful or Not?

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SP Groups - - - Useful or Not?

10 votes remaining
Useful (3 votes) 30%
Not (8 votes) 80%
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Hi peeps, It seems most of us have joined one or more groups and some of us have even started the odd group (Andalucia - Weekends in Spain.....Ladies who like Jag bonnets). I started the first one with the idea that it could be useful therefore it was a serious attempt to unite like-minded people in the warmth and sun of Spain and the second was for a laugh (but you never know!!). So, my question is:- do you ever use them and have they ever been useful?
Warming the Bed
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
I haven't joined any of the groups, purely because i can't see any benefit, so I'll have to go with not... Could be wrong though. biggrin
Master of Sex
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
to be honest.....forgot they were there months ago........
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
the one we are in has been quite useful!!!!:bounce::censored::bounce:
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
:happy: well, sexy mwm69, i wudnt say they were particularly useful, more like fun....especially if u r like myself, who neva sleeps :doh: cus it cums to 3am in the chatroom and its normally jus me in there and i can only talk to myself for so long.....loon so as u kno, :lol2: i either fill the threads or go and add more gobshite or pics to the groups... plus i like the fact of seein me name n pics everywhere, makes me feel famous!!:rascal: god....i need to get a life!lol funkyD xx:P
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote user=meli]the one we are in has been quite useful!!!!:bounce::censored::bounce:[/quote] Which one Meli?
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote user=funkydiva35]god....i need to get a life!lol funkyD xx:P[/quote] Hmmmmm, got your own thread (shared with Northy) but maybe you need your own group?!?!? :bounce:
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Well I started one last year called the '6am to 8am morning club' intended 4 people to get a pick me up b4 they go to work and also for people like funky who never sleep and r in the chatroom all night! The threads I put down have been replied to by a minority and must admit it is fun though would love more replies to threads from other members imao lolololololololololololololololo