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Sex God
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Does anyone really read the Profiles? It came to notice last night,that some peeps in here thougt i am Female,well if they had read my Profile word for word,then they would know that the cock and balls are still in the same place,and if I removed my bra my Tits would fall to the floor,bouncing like rubber balls all over the place. Its a pity in this credit crunched time I havent got the money for the Gender Reassignment,then it definately would be a whip off with the tackle,and silicons implanted. Rant over but thought it was best to clear this xx
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Debs, I have to confess in the past I have been guilty of talking to peeps on cam before reading the profile.....I am guilty of just perving the pics and making the old 3 second judgement of "fuck me I would!!".... I have in more recent times begun to actually read them too. (As opposed to getting my rocks off with them on cam first only to discover they're not meeting at the moment or live a billion miles away...!lol) M xx
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Well I have most definitely read your profile Debs and have drooled over your shoe collection!!! And if others haven't bothered to read your profile they will know what I mean by that... I do know what you mean though. In my profile I have stated that I now only play as a couple as I have found the best ever swinging buddy. I even state this in the title for goodness sake!! I always read profiles of people, and not just the ones for people I am considering meeting, but the people I have been chatting to in the chatroom, or people I have met or am going to meet at socials. It just helps in getting to know someone a bit better and also gives you an idea of what they are looking for or what their boundaries are etc. I get messages from people who have obviously not read my profile but have just maybe taken one look at my pic and then immediately send me there phone number or something! I just don't bother with people who can't be bothered taking the 30 seconds it takes to read a profile. Well my rant over... and Debs I hope the credit cruch gets better soon for you hun xxxx or maybe stop buying so many shoes hehehe.... oh hang on... no don't stop. We all have to have our little pleasures in life eh? xx
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Well said deb and good on ya xxx
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
I often chat to people and have a laugh wth them, but not necessary read or look at their profile. I dont feel I need to ask their credentials to chat with them. We chat to people all the time but dont ask them specific details about their dos and donts regarding sex. But if we are only chatting I dont see the need. If I want to know more about them or feel there is a chemistry happening then I read the profile and of course learn where they are and if they are meeting.... If I was to read word for word every profile that I chatted with in the chatroom then I would never have time to chat. But yes I do read the profile before I would consider asking to meet someone as they may be looking for someone totally different from me. I have recently had a number of newbies mail me a basic sayin nice pics and love to chat and meet for fun, I then have pointed out the problems in their mail sent and advised them on how to improve their mail. Suggested pics and forum wondering to aid them. All the time reminding them that I am not trying to be rude but help their future mails they send. Mostly they respond with thanks and alter their profile and ask me to look and see if it is better. Waffle over... Fruit x
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Can you make waffles Fruits? Bet you make nice ones smile I agree with you too Debbs, Mines says im only playing with people i know and who have previously met, but i still get the wanna meet. Eh Do you wanna read the profile and not just perv the pics :) Friends, your comment made me laugh, i seem to remember being at yours last Dec, with a comment made to me, God your tall (From Mrs Friends) To which my reply was, now go back and read me profile and dont just perv me pics :) (Love you Mrs Friends) But i have to say i do sometimes do the same, If im chatting to someone i have a quick look at there profile pics, just so i can put a face to the person im talking to, but sometimes im only putting a cock to the face im talking to, and that didnt come out right, but you know what i mean. Im not sayiing i have a cock to put to faces, Oh god im going to shut up now, Think im getting fruits waffles, but mines aint making sense. xxxxxxxx
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
So Miss cc you are only playing with people you have met previously..............hmm slumps back in chair in dissapointment..................oh well I`m sure I`ll find someone to play with at stevenage :haha::haha: flipa:flipa:
Warming the Bed
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Debs We went to a lot of trouble with our profile. Many hours spent trying to get the right words and phrases to convey our meaning and to give a sense of what we are about. We sometimes get messages saying 'wow - what a profile', but reckon it's around 20% with the other 80% demonstrating they go no further than the pics. Not a scientific study but a good example of pareto principle.
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
I have a full to do list for Stevenage, Sorry to dissapoint. xxxxx
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Still on the subject of profiles, we too try to keep ours up to date and accurate ... however, many profiles are totally inaccurate, whether deliberate or not is anyones guess. For example we know of one couple who advertise for other couples with a bi fem, while at the same time saying it is disgusting what bi fems do ... so why pretend otherwise? It seems maybe people like these should take a long hard look at themselves and why they are here. On a lighter note, genuine friendly people get to know who's who pretty quickly ... we make a dividing line between our swinging fun and our home personal life and that's how we like it and although we appreciate that this is a site for all tastes, pretending to be what you are not and slating others for what they do has no place in this lifestyle ... ok moan over now where's me mental pills again :giggle:
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote user=miss_ccrider]I have a full to do list for Stevenage, Sorry to dissapoint. xxxxx[/quote] You can still feel me boobs though cc lol xxx
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
One boob each miss cc????? :giggle:
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Oli you're on my boob licking duty lol xxx
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
:laughabove::laughabove::laughabove: Yeah baby!!! :laughabove::laughabove::laughabove:
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Well Oli and Serens, Technically we have got 6 boobs between us, so why have one boob each, when we can have two boobs each and neither of them our own. xxxx
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
CC if we have met before and going to Stevenage are we gonna get an xmas snog n botty spanking??...hope so hunni!!
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
For sure Jels. My Goodness my Christmas Wish List just gets Bigger smile xxxx
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote user=miss_ccrider]Well Oli and Serens, Technically we have got 6 boobs between us, so why have one boob each, when we can have two boobs each and neither of them our own. xxxx[/quote] yayyyyyyyyyyyyy lol
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
blah blah blah
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
must admit if we getting chatting to peeps in the chatroom then we will read their profile, it is only fair as it will save a lot of time wasting for both parties involved,just our tuppence worth put in lmao
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Fruit is making Waffles, Got to put a picture to CC & her pussy, Serens give us some of your Mental Pills please. CIC have read your profile & drooled over your pins & heels. Girls while your all kissing Boobs, can I lick pussy?
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
So are you saying that you read everyones profile that comes into the chatroom and you talk to? I think that would be rather hard as on an evening we all know that there can be 80 plus people. To read everyones profile who we chat with would mean we would spend more time reading profiles than chatting. Or are you saying that its only the people you are thinking of getting to know more that you read their profiles? I can chat with many people on an eve and would spend every eve re reading profiles as my memory is not good (medical problem). If I am chatting with someone I will often have a read of their profile then I can see what they are looking for/likes and dislikes. I still speak to as many people as I can and would not restrict it to those who I would like to meet with. Just really wanted some clarification on the above comments regarding reading profiles. I have been a member of the site for almost 3 years and dont think I have been doing it wrong so far. Fruit
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Hi Fruit hun, Ok i will clarify a bit more,if we are just generally chatting then i agree with ya that it would be hard tp check all profiles,i took the question in hand to be if chat got more personal with the chance of a meet,perhaps i was having a moment lmao,we all have them from time to time lol,the bays xxxxx
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
:doh:Thanks god bays for that. Was worried that I really should be reading every profile.:doh: I was chatting with someone yesterday for the first time and looked as I often do on their profile. I am not joking the person had an essay written and the reading of it wasnt really pleasant! It droned on to explain why the person was on the own and then I fell asleep reading the 200th word. Ok, I will not panic anymore. Will carry on perving, damn I mean reading the profiles of those who I chat with on a regular basis and those who I think . o yes, like to know more about you, then o bugger, they live 200 miles away!! Thats what normally happens. Mind you I got a tip from a friend and it is written on my profile so am looking forward to seeing you mails me as does it!! If you wonder what now, read my profile.boink Fruitbolt
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Fruit you think you have probs on here,when I`m on TVchix,some of the profiles are like books,buts its worth it getting to know the possible TGirl your gonna shag/be shagged.
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Thought this should be brought back to the Front Page again,as I seem to be getting offers of certain peeps that think I`m all GIRL. New Peeps please read this Thread,as I wouldnt like to see you on a Meet and think your going to get your Wicked Way with Me. I am very picky when it comes to who I want Sex,Nooky,B/Js,Spitroast with,and Guys think before I do like Chatting in the Main Room. ASK before Whispering,Pleasantries cost Nothing. RANT over see you in Chat.