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Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
You remember this show with Ann Robinson, used to make me laugh every week to think that people were really that bored and sad that it made their lives more complete to write a letter of complain about something that was said on the TV! "I was appauled to hear the word cock on bbc1 last week" "How can the bbc allow this man to grace our screens" "Disgruntled from London" and many more..... Sorry to say, some days, I have this exact feeling about some threads in the forum When we first joined this site and indeed the scene, we were under the impression that it was all about adult fun. I think a lot of the 'fun' goes missing in the middle of moans about other members, or unwanted whispers or mails.banghead Maybe we are in a minority, but if we dont want to talk to someone then we dont, they can whisper me all they like, we still just ignore them. We can also delete and ignore mails without it ruining our day.bolt I wish people would chill out a bit more, and just enjoy the fun part again. :cheers: I know their are some complete t*$ts on this site, im sure there are on all of them, but if we focus on the sexy funny exciting people instead, it will be a happier place!! wont it??? Jo xxx :rose::rose::rose:
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
couldn't agree more .the swinging lifestyle should be fun and if it aint why the hell are you love it here and will continue to be members for as long as it is still fun .:thumbup:
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Well I am quite frankly appalled at the amount of blatant perversion that goes on on this site... :giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle:
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
lol Oli, you and I will wear out that emote one day! :giggle::giggle::giggle: Closely followed by this one..... :happy::happy::happy:
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[color="olive"]Don't really have anything to say I just wanted to ruin Jos full house!!! :giggle:[/color]
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
:crazy: well we must be going blind Jo lol. Compared to what they USED to be, the forums are much more fun and friendly!!! dunno
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote user=Sid_n_Nancy][color="olive"]Don't really have anything to say I just wanted to ruin Jos full house!!! :giggle:[/color][/quote] LOL... :boxing:
Warming the Bed
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote user=blondecouple] When we first joined this site and indeed the scene, we were under the impression that it was all about adult fun. I think a lot of the 'fun' goes missing in the middle of moans about other members, or unwanted whispers or mails.banghead Maybe we are in a minority, but if we dont want to talk to someone then we dont, they can whisper me all they like, we still just ignore them. We can also delete and ignore mails without it ruining our day.bolt I wish people would chill out a bit more, and just enjoy the fun part again. :cheers: I know their are some complete t*$ts on this site, im sure there are on all of them, but if we focus on the sexy funny exciting people instead, it will be a happier place!! wont it??? Jo xxx :rose::rose::rose:[/quote]Could not agree more Jo.
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
think i must hav woken up thick or summat cus i cant quite work wot sexy blondes is goin on about......r u moanin that the threads are full of shit? the chatrooms borin and shit? or sum people on ere take the whole swingin thing far to seriously and they need to chill??? cus one, yeah the threads probably do get taken ova by sum of us, but fooooook me, id rather play on these and hav a laff wiv peeps cus it beats the chatroom wheres its the same old same old!! sum people hav these huge hang up ova swingin....tis spose to b fun, where u meet like minded sexy peeps, whether u play or not and for me, tis meetin likeminded peeps who lata becum very good mates!! sooooooo i agree in that sence peeps need to take a chill pill....and dont take it all sooooo seriously, lifes too short!! funky nutta xx:P
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Funky, if there is one person on here I would not accuse of taking it too seriously its you!! lol Love your attitude :rose:
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
We're having fun!!!! :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
jo we are defo havin fun but must try not to get so pissed all the time , thats me dave, jo not you btw although think you are just as bad lol and at least you didnt nearly get punched for being pissed and chilled like i did , that chap was really pissed off with me wasnt he !!!!!!!!!!!!
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
LMAO Dave thats because I didnt insult anyone I was just very sick, in their lovely bathroom and then again on their lovely garden :happy::happy::happy::happy::happy:
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
1. We're having fun. 2. If there's something in the forum that catches our eye we might add to it, positive or negative. 3. Although generally easy going, sometimes there are things which annoy us all. These may differ from person to person but such is life. 4. It's been said that there are people with hang ups over swinging, that is so true in so many ways .. maybe one partner is doing it for the other or one wants fun and doesn't want the other to have any, but everyone is different, it's what makes the world go around. 5. Whether we like it or not the site caters for everyone and every taste, not everyone will get on but with just a little good manners as a benchmark and a little less paranoia it may well be a happier place. Now lets all have a blast and enjoy ourselves passionkiss
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote user=serens40]1. We're having fun. 2. If there's something in the forum that catches our eye we might add to it, positive or negative. 3. Although generally easy going, sometimes there are things which annoy us all. These may differ from person to person but such is life. 4. It's been said that there are people with hang ups over swinging, that is so true in so many ways .. maybe one partner is doing it for the other or one wants fun and doesn't want the other to have any, but everyone is different, it's what makes the world go around. 5. Whether we like it or not the site caters for everyone and every taste, not everyone will get on but with just a little good manners as a benchmark and a little less paranoia it may well be a happier place. Now lets all have a blast and enjoy ourselves passionkiss[/quote] :clap: serens spot on. kiss
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Thank you cey .... now roll over :giggle::lickface:
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote user=serens40]Thank you cey .... now roll over :giggle::lickface:[/quote] little one first serens hun, little ones always roll over first ;) passionkiss
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
ok then .... should I brace myself? blink:haha:
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
possibly hun innocent:haha:
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
debs an vic get a room loves please lol
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
:laughabove::laughabove::laughabove: Ok Dave, I'll ask her to go private with me to spare your blushes :giggle: