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Paddington Bear eats marmalade sandwiches NOT marmite ...

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Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
This subject has been bugging us for a while,that now it has got to the point that we need to rant about it,thinking back to our childhood memories we can remember watching paddington bear pop his MARMALADE sarnies under his hat and toddle off out for the day,shock horror now he eats marmite this is just sooooooo wrong, personaly not a big fan of marmite but that is besides the it does get you thinking what other childhood memories have been highjacked and changed for the worst,for example marathon not snickers,opal fruits not fruit burst,maybe we should get out more lol,still there you go rant over feel better now,be gentle we have never posted a thread before lol,speak soon,from a much more chilled out Kat and Neil xxxxxx
Sex God
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hello sexy bays, glad to see you're back with us. :inlove::inlove::inlove: Back to the subject in hand.... personally I like nice big juicy Marathons :lick::devil: Hot tubs are quite tasty too :thumbup:innocent
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hi ya sexy cey mwahhhhh,a marathon and a hot tub.........think we can manage that hun mmmmmmmmmm love ya xxxx
Master of Sex
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Marmalade or Marmite is the problem here, the thing is how did he end up in Paddington station from Peru, the bear doesn't have a passport. So how did customs not notice him???? :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
thanks for your response bjandbear,the problem is paddington eating marmalade sarnies not marmite,may be back in those days customs were not as hot as they are today,there again peeps still get in this country today with no passport so did he hop on a lorry and smuggle himself in.........the plot thickens hummmmmmmmmmthe bays xxxxxxxx
Sex God
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Hmm! We've thought long and hard about this sexy bays ... It seems to us the fascists in TV land have used artistic licence in substituting marmalade for marmite. We think it must be the same person respnsible for the demise of the Rileys toffee roll and is just the sort of liberty taking that induces uncontrolled rage among the masses ....... oh dear! I've just realised I'm late in taking me mental pills :crazy: bolt
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Am i the only cynical one blink that thinks that maybe the change from marmalade (that traditional and rather lovely, safe english conserve:lick: ) to marmite (the product about which many are far from ambivalentmadeye: ) may be a marketing gimmick? If product placement is alive and well with Paddington Bear then nowhere is sacred :upset:
Warming the Bed
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Vim is now Cif. It's not right.
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
bays surely marmite is better than vegamite but we agree it should be mamalade...
Sex God
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Noooooo Vegemite is sooooo much better than Marmite... but then again I am an Aussie... :bounce:
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
marmite is better than vegemite offence olivia xxxx,and serens theres nowt mental about you sexies xxxxand thanks generalcusturd glad its not just us that think it .........WRONG.
Sex God
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None taken xxx
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but there again olivia depends what you are eating it off mmmmmm,my mind could be changed lol
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
... and Dettox became Dettol and Immac became Veet Oh bugger, I may have been one of the marketing people who made those happen. :doh: But take pity on me...I have to pay my SP subs somehow. And at least I didn't play any part in Marathon becoming Snickers. However, I am in total agreement - Paddington Bear eating Marmite...that is just WRONG :doh:
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Although Paddington now lives in London, England, he originally came from Darkest Peru where he was brought up by his Aunt Lucy after he was orphaned following an earthquake when he was just a few weeks old. When Aunt Lucy went to live in the Home for Retired Bears in Lima, she decided to send him to England to live. After teaching him to speak English she arranged for him to stow away in a ship’s lifeboat.