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Keep gtting ill and fed up of it!

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Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Just curious if anyone else keeps managing to get ill with all these bugs going around? I got flu end of last year ans then a chest infection. Was also offered many times to rub something on my chest so that was nice to be offerd. Now I have a cold and cough, and now another chest infection, and to top it all off get the top and bottoms! God am I peed off. So feeling really sorry for myself so any get well soon messages will all be greatly received. Only consolation is that I may loose a few pounds in weight lol Sad and miserable fruit. x
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Fruit its not your fault,its probably your immune system. Try drinking a hot toddy. Hope you get better soon,as sex and snot dont mix. Love Debs XXX
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
hi Fruit xxxxxxxxxxx hope you feel better soon.... chicken soup... but not creamy sort orange juice... lots of vit C echinacea... prob not spelt right but wards off colds lots of rest REMEMBER being out in fresh air and the cold will not make you ill, but may well kill bugs off instead. Feel better soon hunny xxxxxxxxxxx
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
sexy fruity.... i kno how u feel hunni, iv bin in bed all day today, iv got the fuckin flu and feel like absolute shite!! im gonna try hot lemons and honey....oh and a nice malt!! hope u feel betta soon tho hunni....rite im goin bak to bed wiv me hot wherat bag!! luv ya fruity, im thinkin about u...xx
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Get a Karvol Vaporiser for your room. The monster and i had a bit of a cold last week and got one, as he cant take anything else for a cold, and it works wonders. Its like a glade plug in thingy, but it pumps out like menthol and you keep it plugged in all night. Worked a treat. Wont stop you getting a cold, but will help clear your snotty nose. As for the bottom and tops, no answer except eh!!!!!!!!!! maybe a plug might help smile xxx
Warming the Bed
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Hey Fruit! I know just what you mean. I had a similar thing a few weeks ago. It was like the flu in terms of the aching, headache, no appetite etc but I didn't get the sore throat and sniffing/sneezing etc... I hope you got over it quickly as it didn't sound good at all from your description! Richard xxx
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Hi Fruitie Big hugs n cuddles for you, from us xxx We had a flu thingy from Boxing Day and felt ill for weeks, however it did pass eventually...Our swing friends thought we had left the lifestyle because we kept away from SP and swing stuff due to feeling rubbish!! :upset: However Fruit, we are certain it will pass for you with warmer weather coming along soon :bounce: Take care and wrap up warm till then hunni xxx Jel & N xxx
Sex God
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We both had a horrible flu type thing a while back ... took ages to go :upset: hope you get well soon fruity hun kiss
Sex God
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I sympathise Fruit and hope you feel better soon kiss I hate being ill and 'touch wood' havn't caught any of these bugs going around. Must be cos my mum had plenty of manure in her boots when she had me :lol2:
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
are you still ill Fruits, Oh dear not good, I would seriously consider getting put down babes hee hee only kidding, hope you get better soon. xxxx
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CC I love the idea lol. xxxxxx Feeling better now thank god x
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Take daily multi vitamin A to liver oil capsule, Zinc and vitamin c tablets and stop kissing frogs xxjan
Warming the Bed
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Fruit I had a virus for nearly 12 weeks before Xmas. When I had it I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be better again. The good news is when I did get better I was bouncing off the walls! Now I can't think what is was like to be that ill. So my advice is ... just feel sorry for yourself whilst it lasts, and feel happy when it passes. Mr CIC x