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How far is too far?

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Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Having recently been told that a meeting with me was too far for someone to travel (80 miles).... a thanks but no thanks would have sufficed :doh: ... it raised an interesting question (or two): - what is the shortest you have traveled for a meet? - and what is the furthest? To get the ball rolling.... my shortest = 15 miles/20 mins my furthest = 253 miles/4 1/2 hours
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
my shortest meet was about 10 mins down the road, when as a couple, as a single it was 7 miles. Took about half and houe to get there. My furthest meet so far has to be about 325 miles away, a very long drive but was well worth the journey. Took me about 8 hours to get there. I cant believe someone said 80 miles was to far to go and meet you. oh i would swim the biggest ocean and battle through a jungle to meet with you again girl4. xxxxx
Warming the Bed
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hi the furthest we have been so far as been 120 miles down to just 9 miles,who knows how far will go. :happy:
Sex God
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we have travelled to the lake district to meet a sexy couple 460 miles round trip, been to leeds and going again soon lol 2.5 hours. nearest meet was about an hour away. no one loves us local lol
Sex God
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[quote user=girl4] my furthest = 253 miles/4 1/2 hours[/quote] My god Girl4 those two were lucky buggers :inlove: Furthest for us is coming up, 8 hours drive to Newcastle, so were flying. Shortest is 45 mins drive.
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
:crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy: erm i would say 178 one way lol in fog on the m1 and 5 mins round the corners for a local session all worth the hasle and time from my experience lol
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Furthest - 4 hour train journey each way (about 550 miles round trip in an 18 hour period). Mind you, she was definitely worth it smile Closest, my first ever meet - about 20 mins from work. If the attraction is strong enough, then distance really is no object, and objecting to an 80 mile trip to meet you, Girl4, is just idiotic ! Suds xxxxx
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Well G4 hun ... I just can't imagine would would decline a meet with you over a mere 80 miles journey. They must have been out of their mind(s) banghead I reckon there are no certainties so traveling hopefully has always appealed to me.. Shortest distance? Just 4 yards from this PC -- (for the meets that I've had at my house :lol2: With me driving -- then I guess just over 7 miles - to the next town. Longest distance? I've been very lucky to have been invited to spend time with some really ace people. Several of these have involved 300 or 400 mile round trips -- hell it's what a car's for -- and the sexxy interchange of texts during the journey adds to the anticipation .. :lickface: For spontaneous meets -- arranged say after midnight in the chatroom -- then anything up to 100 miles is fine. In fact a couple of times I've set off at 2:30am to do the 85 miles to visit sexxy friends.. The longest so far was a 770 mile round trip for a first meet with a lovely woman -- and very definitely worth the 18 hours of driving. Next time I think I'll fly tho .. I have to say though that for the opportunity to meet certain people on the site -- there really is no limit ... :mrgreen:
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
g4 its there loss in not going 80 miles!! my longest drive was 4 half hours ( soon to change as going to belfast hehe then that will be my longest) shortest was for drinks only but that was 5 mins up the road! now i would walk 500 miles and i waould walk 500 more! hehe if for the right people anyway mwah jen
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[b] been all over the place for meets :doggy: but shortest distance would be a cpl of miles local to us and longest trip would be down to brighton been twice this yr and its the best part of 400 miles round trip and bournemouth is about the same.
Sex God
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Longest was down to Milton Keynes, then there was Leeds twice.....oh and going to Basildon soon Yay... I reckon I should be getting frequent flyer points. Shortest was about 10 mins down the road.
Warming the Bed
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
My closest = 0 miles (they came to me) My furthest = 109 miles (late at night on impulse after chatting in the room lol!) I suppose it's more about time than distance. At the moment times something i don't have too much of, so i probably wouldn't go further than 20 miles; but when i get a bit more time, i'll be up for driving to the ends of the country again lol!
Sex God
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our shortest has been = O miles they came to us. Our longest was 7 hour round trip if we feel it a genuine meet we will travel what ever distance. Oh and Si did drive me to Leeds and back all on the same night even with him having work the next day at 7am, just so I didn't miss out.. bless his cotton socks..
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
g4 think our longest is 5hrs shortest is 20mins everyone is miles from us
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote user=MO_]our shortest has been = O miles they came to us. Our longest was 7 hour round trip if we feel it a genuine meet we will travel what ever distance. Oh and Si did drive me to Leeds and back all on the same night even with him having work the next day at 7am, just so I didn't miss out.. bless his cotton socks..[/quote] was the 7 hour trip to ours mo ???
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
80 miles.. how mad is that, course we'd drive 80 miles to meet you g4 kiss Shortest for a meet = couple of miles down the road, 10 Min's travel time Furthest for a meet = 196 miles, 3 hrs traveling time. All well worth it and we would repeat the travel and meets anytime rotflmao xx kc's xx
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
The moon it self would be close enough for moments with you g4 smile
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Wow...what travelers we all are! It has since been pointed out to me by the person in question that 80 miles was too far to travel without a definite shag. As a single female, I like to meet people first, socially, for a drink. It may lead to other things, it may not (to both parties' satisfaction). So, the next question far would you travel under such circumstances?
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
Closest Meet = 2 miles Furthest UK meet = 287 miles Furthest Meet = approx 3500 miles, doesn't really count cos i was in New York anyway biggrin I don't really have any set limits it really does depend on the people. grrrr i took too long posting, but the same applys to your new question, traveling depends on the people, the distance is sort of irrelevant.
Warming the Bed
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
:thumbup:closest meet 7miles furthest meet 57 milesboink and for you g4 we would travel all the way:thrilled: xxxxxxxxxxx muffin xxxx
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
You meet the person and if the chemistry is right then let the good times roll , if not have a laugh a drink some food and be a gent/lady .. after all thats why we are here !
Warming the Bed
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
we view distance as immaterial. And we have no expectations on meeting, apart from a good laugh and chat. Anything more is a bonus. Being new in the UK we treat it all as an adventure and we can be tourists if nothing else on the travels. So G4, we'll come to meet you hun xxx
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
For me the furthest has been west norfolk to Friends3 place new years eve. Total with getting lost a bit was 4 hours journey with half hour stop. I try to explain that for me a single mum of 2 young children it is hard to travel to meets as there is the cost involved and the fact that I dont have a car. So when you add in the petrol or train fair and money towards the hotel then it is pretty expensive for me. I know a number of guys who are students too so are in the similar boat. Meets for me are a fabulous break from my normal life but would love to be able to afford to get a sitter and have money for petrol and hotels to make meets easier. Will just have to meet a rich sugar daddy.... are there anyone around lol
Sex God
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
We've only had one meet so far and that was about 80 miles away. To be honest we prefer to meet people outside our immediate area (dont shit on your own doorstep!) and its a good way of visiting other places! If we clicked with people we'd travel hundreds of miles if necessary!
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote user=ellie_n_jay]We've only had one meet so far and that was about 80 miles away. To be honest we prefer to meet people outside our immediate area (dont shit on your own doorstep!) and its a good way of visiting other places! If we clicked with people we'd travel hundreds of miles if necessary![/quote] ah guys we think you look lovely but dont think shitting on peeps doorsteps is a swingin thing lol