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A very serious warning from Nigeandange.

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Many people say they can accommodate, so just a cautionary warning, If you do please be very aware not everybody is honest there are people out there who will take advantage of your hospitality, we have found this out by experience this week, a female who told us she needed a place to stay so we helped her, and in return for our help she stole our car, sat nav and cash, as my partner is regisered disabled he can no longer get out and about
Warming the Bed
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oh my god guys, what a night mare! and what a bitch! i hope you've told admin about them to get them kicked off. doesnt say a lot about the world we live in. hope you get all your gear back ASAP and she gets done for it. all the best, coyboy
Sex God
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What an absolute bastard she really is a shit ! Hopefully from the details they've given Admin she will be able to traced, if her address & credit card are true. Fingers crossed you get your gear back- make sure you prosecute. . Do you want to name & shame her ? Take care love Q & A xxx
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Can i just say my heart goes out to those who were effected by this but at the same time i dont think anyone should totally demonise this person as we do not know their resons for what they did or their state of mind at the time . All i can say to others is just be wary of who you believe to be friends etc and use your judgement wisely
Sex God
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I don't know Qute, I see what you are saying, but to steal from people who are trying to help you and who consider you a good friend is pretty demonic in my book.
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From what i know this person is sick either mentally or physically so that is why i say we shouldnt demonise them .I do realise what they did was wrong but im also saying that i feel they need help at the same time .
Sex God
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I think the sickness was a part of the con Qute.
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Then i take back what i have said .I have a mentally ill son and had a member of my family try and kill themselves , to pretend you are sick or even dying to someone to get sympathy is totally wrong and unacceptable .
Sex God
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Aw I am sorry Qute. I really am. I just firmly believe that this woman is a con artist who used that lie as a part of her method.
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Our heart goes out to you guys. I hear wot qute is saying but I don't about the reasons people who do this are scum. I never agree with naming and shaming but on this occaision it should be given some thought god knows who else will fall foul of this girl. We are a vunerable group as often we don't want our normal friends to know wot we do. It binds us together so people like this deserve all they get. We hope uyou are ok Rosie and Dick xxxxxxxx
Sex God
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Ta Guys! It was poor Nigeandange who had the misfortune to help the theif though. xxx
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nige n ange our thoughts go out to u guys. this is terrible as have chatted to nige alot in the day and he is a genuine caring guy that someonr could take advantage of this good nature is disgusting i hope you can prosecute this con artist guys n take care look after yourselves der and fee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
NigeandAng I'm so sorry that you've had to go through this when you were kind enough to take someone into your home in their "supposed" hour of need. I have to say that you're not the only ones to be taken in by this person and I had my reservations for a long time but was powerless to do or say anything! Qute hunni I myself have a serious illness and would never condone anyone pretending to be ill especially with a terminal illness and just to let you know Qute that it isn't wrong to see the good in people you were obviously as taken is as the rest of us hunni. It frightening knowing we have a con artist in our midst but for those reading this thread this person is not registered on the site any more and if she ever did again I'm sure admin and the moderators would be one step ahead of her - she's burned her bridges now I'm glad to say. NigeandAng keep your chin up guys mwah Kelly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sex God
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Nig and Ang, Our hearts go out to you both xxxx. You've had your fair share of bad luck and didn't need this to happen on top of it. Sincerely hope you are ok and if you need to chat in the chatroom when I am there then please feel free to whisper me. Hope she get's what she deserves, there are some seriously nasty people around. Keep your heads up and remember you have friends around you. Ceylons xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Warming the Bed
Fun Swingers Logo 0 likes
so sorry to hear what has happened to you guys, i really hope everything works out for you. And just remember one thing....."what goes around comes around" xxxxxxxxxxxxx